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After much discussion about how to safely re-open our club, we have set out below some rules we will have to follow on our return.  Using both the Government and British Gymnastics guidelines, we have put together what we think is the most appropriate for our gym.


Many of you will realise how difficult it is to change what we are familiar with, to comply with social distancing?  What we were used to in the gym is now very different.  Gymnasts and Coaches will now have to maintain at least a 2m distance and will have to use hand sanitiser regularly.


For the time being the duration of sessions will be a maximum of 2 hours.  Groups will consist of a maximum of 10 gymnasts per coach, although a group could have up to 15 gymnasts with two coaches.


Parents will not be allowed in the gym except in extreme circumstances when they are required to do so.  We ask parents to remain in their cars at all times, both at drop off and collection times.  Please do not get out of your car to talk to friends, we ask that you leave the site and find a suitable area at least one mile away from the gym.  We will need to use the car parks for subsequent sessions, so will need a lot of space for as quick a ‘turn around’ as possible.  Please consult the schedule for confirmation of which car park to use at ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ times, it will cause delay if you use the incorrect car park.


We hope that you understand the reasons for these changes to our usual routine.  We have sat for hours trying to work out how we can comply with current guidelines and yet still keep the gym open. 


To keep everyone as safe as possible and to make sure that we comply with both Government and BG guidelines, we will be introducing the following measures:-


  • Before leaving home, check that the gymnast is feeling well, does not have Covid-19 symptoms and nor does any other member of their household.  Please do not bring any gymnast to the gym who is feeling unwell.

  • Please ensure that gymnasts use the toilet before leaving home. 

  • Gymnasts should bring their own equipment: chalk, hand sanitiser, flip flops, drink (only water), skipping rope (for older gymnasts), all kept in one small bag.  No phones, no food, no hoodies or bulky sweatshirts, no unnecessary items.

  •  Please arrive on time.  Arriving too early or too late may cause problems.

  • On arrival at the gym please use your allocated car park.  If using the main entrance, please pull up by the white doors where the gymnast will get out of the car when the coach is ready.   Most sessions ‘drop off’ in the main car park, for the few classes that do not it may be necessary to park and watch your child enter the gym after having a temperature check.  Please bear with us whilst we see how this will work out. 

  • Gymnasts temperature will be checked on entry to the gym, and any gymnast showing a high reading will be sent back to their parents.  We will check this reading again in case of a false reading after all other gymnasts have entered the gym.

  • Please be patient when leaving the gym as this new system could cause a bottle-neck.  If possible, allow other parents to leave in between arrivals.

  • Gymnasts will use hand sanitiser at door and then move to their designated area.  The next gymnast will then have their temperature checked and so on.  Please do not allow your child to step out of the car until the coach is ready to take his/her temperature.

  • Gymnasts will not be allowed to train if they arrive after the session has started and the doors have been closed.  Please be aware of timekeeping as either arriving too late or too early could cause major problems.  We will monitor this potential problem during the next few weeks.

  • Parents must stay in their cars at all times when they are on site.

  • We ask parents to leave the site while their children are training

  • At least a 2m x 2m square will be allowed for each gymnast. This will depend on the activity but will usually be greater than this size.

  • When using toilets gymnasts will be required to use hand sanitiser before entering the toilet, wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds after using the toilet, then again using hand sanitiser before moving back to their next piece of apparatus.

  • We will allow as much ventilation in the gym as possible.

  • A Risk Assessment for the facility and each activity has been completed.  Please ask the coach if you would like to see this.

  • Coaches and gymnasts remain in same group.

  • Individual groups no larger than 15 gymnasts plus coaches.

  • No ‘Bubbling’, fixed groups to remain throughout the session.

  • No contact is allowed between coach and gymnast or gymnast and gymnast.

  • Masks must not to be worn by gymnasts.  Coaches can wear face masks. 

  • Gymnasts should have their own equipment, i.e. chalk, hand sanitiser, gloves & loops, water spray.  Personal equipment must be taken home at the end of each session to avoid the risk of transmission.

  • The gym will be cleaned regularly.  Cleaning will take place during and at the beginning and end of each day

  • Hand sanitiser must be used after each station.

  • Gymnasts must follow the coach’s instructions to keep everyone safe.  Violations will be taken seriously and could lead to suspension.

  • At the end of the session most gymnasts will leave by either the red door in the main car park, or from the back door to the back car park (using their allocated car park), one at a time keeping social distancing.

  • We will dispose of any left items after the session, so please remind your child to gather up their belongings when it is time to leave.  The fewer things they bring with them, the less they have to remember to bring home with them.

  • Parents will not be allowed to enter the building.  If parents need to speak to a coach, please contact them via phone or email.


We realise that none of the above is ideal, but we have taken these measures to try to keep everyone safe at these trying times. Should we need to close the gym for Covid related reasons, we will contact you regarding any overpayments.


Thank you all for your patience at these difficult times.

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